About Us

Welcome to Düşler Şatosu Kindergarten

Our kindergarten, which took its first steps on the Koç University campus in 2002, has been accompanying the growth and development of children aged 2-6 in Ataşehir since 2006 with enthusiasm and enthusiasm. We are with our children at Doğu Ataşehir, Batı Ataşehir and Koç University Campuses this academic year.

Düşler Şatosu Kindergartens, pre-school education; believes that in addition to being the beginning of lifelong learning, it is a development process that deeply affects children's personality structures and perspectives on life. The foreign language acquisition process called “Early Production” during the kindergarten years supports second foreign language learning as a natural part of life with our bilingual education model.

Raising individuals who can work, plan, realize and evaluate in a team spirit according to internationally accepted High-scope and nature inspired education models is an important part of our program.


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